In 2002 an anonymous donor provided
funding for sixth graders at Morse Pond School to create
sculpture for their school courtyard. I was asked to be
the artist-in-charge.
12 students were selected by their art teachers to be on
the sculpture team. They brimmed with talent and
enthusiasm! We met at the school to decide on the theme
for the courtyard (a Zoo), then moved to the barn to start
I told the artist-students that they could
design whatever they wanted and that my friend Shelly
Farrar and I would weld their pieces together for them.
The kids worked hard perusing the piles
of metal I had accumulated over the years, as they looked
for just the right pieces for their animals. They brought
some of their own found objects as well. One of the boys
volunteered everything in his grandfather’s barn. I never
did find out what the granddad’s reaction was when he
heard that!
I have always found it awe-inspiring to
witness how easily children can create when given the
materials. These kids were remarkable.

Bob is helping one of the girls figure out how her snake
going to be eating this man’s leg!

Painting the sculpture
Finally, the project was completed. The opening ceremony
and presentation to the school was in May 2003.

A Falmouth reporter interviewing several of the girls

The brother of one of the students takes a ride
while his dad looks on


Dog with bone. The bone is real;
the student found it in my yard


Congratulating one of the boys for a really good job

Shelly and I stand in front of the Tree
and the Dinosaur. The tree branches are made from exhaust
pipes, which are a dime a dozen. But I had to go to the
dump several times to find just the right tree trunk. One
day it was sitting there waiting for me.
The idea for the Dinosaur started when
several kids spotted a scaffolding jack lying around. We
added railroad spikes for teeth and its head was ready to

We pose for the camera at the celebration